Friday, March 17, 2006

Lack of ...something

I've noticed a distinct lack of posting here over the last few weeks. I've been trying to figure out why, since I do all the posting, and I think I've finally come up with it.

Beyond the fact that I've been traveling and working like a dog and trying to keep up with my parental obligations, it's just that I can't get excited about writing about anything that's going on. It's become boring - all the same old tired stuff.

Bush launches a PR offensive that has nothing to do with governing. It doesn't work. His poll numbers sag. The left rejoices. Holden gets a pony. Nothing changes. More people can't get decent medical care, poverty increases, the debt ceiling goes to nine trillion (yes, with a T), we're more hated in the world, big business continues it's 1920 like rape of the land and the people. On and on and on.

Nothing changes. No one actually governs - and no one seems interested in it. There are a few governors doing some interesting things, but by and large it's all just a big fucking game. Thrust and parry and see who has the better spin and PR and the party ID advantage and all the rest.

Meanwhile, the press looks in the collective mirror and admires it's reflection. The popular media is consumed with ratings and profits and utterly unconcerned with news. The big name folks - especially those overpaid talking heads on cable TV - have no idea what reality is like for 99% of the population.

If Chris Matthews can't understand why people don't like Bush - and he's incredulous about it - he ought to be fired, stripped of every last cent he's swiped, and put naked in The Mall for a week or three and see what happens. I just can't stand it.

The structural damage that has been done to this country, the environment, the world, over the last five years is astonishing. Science - real science - has been raped and left for dead. We've doomed the next generations to massive debt that will consume the entire tax base and a dependence on oil that will, in the short term, fund the radicals who seek our destruction, and in the long term destroy the planet.

So it would seem like there's plenty to write about, but in less than three months of writing this I've covered it. It's like Groundhog day with nasty fucking consequences.

Maybe you need a level of perserverance and stamina that I lack to keep up with this crowd. Maybe when things settle down for me I'll be able to devote more energy to thoughtful commentary. Maybe I'll just hunker down and hope for "our long, national nightmare" to be over.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

For a point plan to fix your problem, take a look at:

7:13 AM  

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