Thursday, March 02, 2006

Reading between the lines

As more truth seeps out each day that defines the almost incomprehensible incompetence of the Bush Administration, the Bushies are truly struggling to defend the actions of their leader. In response to the video noted in the link above, this is really the best they could do:

In an article titled, "White House fires back at Katrina critics", here are the key paragraphs:

With critics noting that the president did not ask a single question at an August 28 briefing and insisted that "we are fully prepared," the White House fired back that he was heavily involved in preparations.

"President Bush participated in briefings, phone calls and conversations throughout this process, and his administration was focused on making sure that the federal assets were in place to help the people of New Orleans," Bush spokesman Trent Duffy said in a statement.

So, we are to believe that, although he inquired about, well...nothing, gave no directions, and generally acted as some sort of demented cheerleader, he was fully engaged in the crisis.

Many of us "Bush haters" have warned of this lack of leadership since 1999 when he first came on the national scene. I'm sure it was Molly Ivins or some other Texas based writer who described Bush as "uncurious" back then. That term has always stayed with me, and it has always carried with it an ominous undertone given the scale and severity of this administrations follies.

Of course, we were dismissed by both the middle of the road crowd and the true believers as idealogues bent on destroying this "regular guy".

But, on issue after issue, the evidence is overwhelming. This guy just doesn't want to know. He likes bold pronouncements and cowboy talk and all things related to image (think about the recent revelations regarding his conversations with Jerry Bremer - a little pep talk, a little concern about perception, get the hell out of here) but could care less about the actual ramifications of his policies.

I'm usually not like Bush with regard to bold pronouncements and cowboy talk, but I'll give it whirl and join the club:

Worst. President. Ever.


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