Monday, January 30, 2006

2x - t + reactionary fools = More failure

And then you have the conservative response to the algebra issue in LA (my emphasis):

Below is a sample question from the LA school standards, followed by a brief layout used to solve the problem.

A 120-foot-long rope is cut into 3 pieces. The first piece of rope is twice as long as the second piece of rope. The third piece of rope is three times as long as the second piece of rope.

What is the length of the longest piece of rope?
A) 20 feet
B) 40 feet
C) 60 feet
D) 80 feet

Show your work:
3t + 2t + t = 120
6t = 120t = 20
Largest piece: 60

If you cannot figure out with relative ease that the answer is C, please stop reading and proceed to the nearest Sylvan learning center and refrain from reproducing.

And although this blog post had a similar headline to mine, they reached a slightly different conclusion: none. No ideas, excluding the above. Keep up the good work and deep thoughts, guys.


Blogger Editor said...

Don't confuse libertarian and conservative thought...nonetheless, we would not presume to offer a "solution." Our place is to comment on society at large with a decidedly derisive tone. That mission was accomplished. No solution is necessary...those who wish to achieve success in life will do so… the lazy and sloth obsessed will find their own path as they have in this scenario.

2:58 PM  

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