Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Brownie says, "Oops. Sorry about that little water mess"

We all remember the quote of the year - well, it's hard to pick with Bush in charge -, "You're doing a heckuva job, Brownie," said President Bush to FEMA director Michael Brown. Meanwhile, the worst natural disaster in US history became the worst managed disaster in US history and "Brownie" was relieved of his command and let go (with a several month consulting contract). Oh, and lots of people died and suffered needlessly.

Today, after lying to Congress that it was everyone else's fault (and the release of some of the most pompous, arrogant, disconnected emails I've ever seen) Brown admitted that he might have had a role in screwing things up beyond repair. He reminds me of the little kid who denies he got in the cookie jar when he's standing there with his hand in the cookie jar.

But I guess that's what you get when you hire a guy to run the disaster agency after he was let go by the Arabian Horseowner's Association.

Competence and accountability in government, W style.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, did you really pay to advertise on Atrios' blog? This blog is OK, but you need more in the way of original content & perspective. Lots of us revisit Eschaton continually especially for the community, but even there I can find an economist's perspective on forecasts, a looong-term blogger's perspective, etc. You might want to look into local happenings, find some new ideas/themes to share, maybe call your local representatives or share what's happening in your city. (You'd be surprised how enlightening & enjoyable it is to read real, smart reporting -- even if it's not about we readers' own hometowns.)

I figure if you're taking out ads you might be seeking to do this blogging thing big-time, and doing this kind of legwork is one way to build an appreciative audience. Probably you have the inclination to pursue it, after all, you did jump into self-advertising so you probably take this seriously. Try some various approaches; you seem to have some talent, just not much truly original content IMHO.

11:53 PM  
Blogger John said...

Thanks for the thoughts. It's not really what I want to do, but...

It's interesting that a "looong-term blogger" is someone who's been doing this for about 3 or 4 years.

New medium - lots of possiblities.

5:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Time will tell how many more "Brownies" were recently installed by Bush's 17 recess appointments.

10:19 AM  

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