Saturday, January 14, 2006

He speaks the language of love

Most couples fight and forget. Sure, there are those people who save up transgressions for use at a later date, but how do you get around it when you write and record a hit song about killing your ex-wife? Then, a few years later, you reconcile and remarry. "No, honey, I really didn't mean it when I wrote and recorded that little ditty."


That's from Kim by Eminem. Kim, of course, is his ex-wife, whom he re-married today.

Ain't love grand?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your a moron.

6:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm agreeing with ole anonymous over there, you are a moron. You see John, marriage is a sacred union between two people and our Lord. When marriage fails, people who express themselves thru the written word, (or in this case song), pen things which allow their own pain and heartache to mend. In anger we all say things, which we wish we could take back. I think it is a hidden blessing; these people were able to mend their heartaches and reunite their family as one. This is afterall, what our Lord expects of His Children.

7:58 AM  

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