Friday, January 06, 2006

Musical Interlude

Lacking a decent radio station in St. Louis, it's hard to find new music. I think there should be some FCC requirement for a station like WXRT in Chicago in every city with a population greater than, say 300,000. We can debate the size, but I won't budge on the demand.

So, like wisdom, I'm forced to rely on alternative methods for finding music. In this case, the trick is to get a gift from a relative (say, your sister) who has access to such a radio station, and then put it in the rack and do other things for 10 or 12 years. Then, when you decide to re-open your mind for business, get it out and pop it in and, like magic, you have The Subdudes Primitive Streak.

If you like music with energy and soul and spirit, give it a listen. I'm hooked.

(Thanks, Mar. Sorry it took so long)


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