Saturday, January 28, 2006

Pharmacological Acorns

I live in a blue state that trends more blue each election cycle. Along with about 60+ % of our population, however, I'm unimpressed with our Democratic Governor, "Hot" Rod Blagoevich. In order to further prove out the "blind pig finding the acorn" theory, however, Blagoevich backed and signed legislation that forces pharmicists in Illinois to dispense medication (specifically the "morning after" pill) regardless of religious objections.

Someone (atrios, I think) wrote about these "conscienctious objectors" a few months ago and wondered about the next wave of refusals if the anti-birth control group got their way. It was a hilarious tongue in cheek about Christian pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for Jews because, "You killed Jesus", and lots of others.

Anyway, the objecting pharmacists have sued Walgreens right in my hometown so I guess we'll get the court's view on the topic.


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