Monday, May 08, 2006


So, it's been awhile since I've had anything to say here. Lest you think I've run out of opinions...yeah, right. Just a shortage of time and energy. And it also has to do with the sentiment I expressed shortly before it went dark around here; namely, it's hard to get excited writing about the same old stuff.

I haven't written anything in months, but what's new? Scandal, corruption, Bush at 31% (okay, a new low with a 34 point spread between favorable and unfavorable), mayhem in Iraq, fear and loathing everywhere else. I write about it. The bloggers with actual audiences write about it. I make smart comments.

Nothing changes.

Who knows? Maybe the mid-term elections will get me pumped up enough to get back to it. Maybe I'll find the energy to find the stuff that matters - about the hearts and minds - instead of the stuff that, well...doesn't. Or maybe it does matter, but my voice in the debate doesn't seem to mean much either way. As I said, who knows?

Or, as Hunter Thompson said, maybe this is all just jibberish. Maybe, but still...


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