Saturday, January 28, 2006

When it seems too good to be true...

Over at TPM, Josh Marshall says Bush will make health care his signature issue starting with the State of the Union address next week. Given his track record with signature issues (think Iraq, global war on terra, social security privatization, er, ahem, personal accountization) it will either be a failure out of the box or we'll all be sick and near death in about 18 months. Here's hoping for the former.

But what's fascinating about this is what Josh says will be the right wing rallying cry: We have too much health insurance. Yes, that means you. I find it hard to believe, but read the post.

He also offers some great advice on what Democrats should do to counter this rather astonsishing arguement, and I think he's right. And I like to see him being direct about it - the best line in the post:

Health care policy is an immensely complicated issue. And that complexity can sometimes be a cover for politicians pushing policies that would screw most families.

Remember that in the context of the completely bogus Medicare Part D (the drug company giving away, senior screwing, taxpayer dousing, arm twisted, out and out lied about "Prescription Drug Benefit" that passed in the middle of the night) and what Republicans will do if they think it will get them more seats. They've already done it once on health care, and in rather grand fashion. Let's not let them do it again.


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