Tuesday, January 31, 2006

I'll do it so you don't have to

I'm watching the SOTU comments come along over at NRO's The Corner and I have a few highlights for you and some thoughts:

1) MISSED MOMENT [Michael Graham]When Democrats began celebrating wildly the fact that they have done nothing to rescue Social Security, they handed Bush an opportunity to step away from the text and point out the partisan cynicism of celebrating failure. My comment would have been "Remember that applause 13 years from now when Social Security goes broke."

That's a beautiful thought, but I would think folks on the right would have internalized the message about being careful what you wish for. Bush? Off script? Even I cringe at the thought and I enjoy it when he actually speaks his own thoughts.

2) HILLARY WATCH [Monica Crowley]Could the Junior Senator from New York be any more robotic in her applause??!!Posted at 10:01 PM

I don't know who Monica Crowely is, but apparently this is her first State of the Union Address. The opposition party, particularly the ones running for president, don't generally cheer wildly Monica.

2) Who is Monica Crowley and why is she gushing like a schoolgirl at a Britney Spears concert?

AND IRAN [Monica Crowley]I am cheering as the president speaks about Iran

BRAVO [Monica Crowley]I am heartened to hear the president repeat the basis for his entire foreign policy:

This doesn't even begin to address the things she says, but I'll summarize: She's happy that we're threatening military action in Iran (a war to be fought by who??? Perhaps the staff over at The Corner? Jonah?) and she's heartened that when you create democracies they don't fight each other. You mean like that democracy in the Palestinian terrotories? Or the one we've...what, created? in Iraq?

I generally disagree with everything they say over there, but at least there's some attempt at, hell, I don't know, acting adult and thinking a little bit. What's her deal?

3) Stupid to write this:

STUPID TO SIT [Kate O'Beirne]The Democrats sat back for applause line about not sitting back until we get attacked again. I thought they favored aggressive intelligence gathering and are merely questioning the legal authority.Posted at 09:46 PM

4) Oops, who let this guy in:

SPENDING [Brian Riedl (Heritage)]"Every year of my presidency, we have reduced the growth of non-security discretionary spending - and last year you passed bills that cut this spending" This is a meaningless phrase. All he is saying is that annual discretionary budget authority (not actual outlays) excluding: A) defense, B) homeland security, and C) any and all supplemental bills from defense to Katrina to agriculture to veterans, have grown by a little less than the 15% growth rate that occurred in the year 2000. Not a remarkable accomplishment

Ok, that's all I can handle for now.


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