Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Perhaps a whole family retirement in in order

Andrea Mitchell lays out her foreign policy expertise in preparation for tonight's State of the Union address in her pseudo-blog on MSNBC. I have to say she's a brilliant analyst...I mean, shill.

Here's her take on the state of world affairs. First the bad news:

In the Palestinian territories, the stunning Hamas victory is a disaster for the U.S. peace plan -- a legislative majority dedicated to the destruction of Israel. And four years after calling Iraq, Iran and North Korea the "axis of evil" in his 2002 State of the Union address, Bush is still battling insurgents in Iraq. A radical leader is defying the world and continuing nuclear research in Iran. And America and its allies are no closer to a solution in North Korea.

Ok, so things don't look so rosy. But, there is the silver lining that overcomes the complete disaster that represents current US Foreign Policy:

Still, the President can point to some progress: in the last year, a new secretary of state has repaired damaged relations with Europe and helped pressure Syria to withdraw from Lebanon.

So, massive peril at every turn in the main thrust of the Bush plan over the last four years, but the new secretary of state has started to repair some of the damage she and her bosses did as National Security Advisor. You can just feel the democracy on the march, can't you.

Couldn't she just retire with Greenspan - sort of a media/political/economic twofer?


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