Saturday, January 07, 2006


Haiti is one of those socio-political situations that we all would prefer to forget about. The corruption, violence, poverty, disease and general malaise are overwhelming. I remember reading several lengthy pieces (one by right- leaning humorist P.J. O'Rourke, as I recall, who failed to muster his usual sarcasm and disdain in the face of the disaster that constitutes Port Au Prince) years ago and being startled by the depth and breadth of the problems there.

Then, over the years, the US and many others have attempted half measures aimed at...well, I think they were aimed at all kinds of things, but half measures being what they are...

Every now and then a flare up and some news (most recently the ouster of Aristide under some questionable circumstances) and then back off the radar. I think most would prefer the situation to stay there.

In my church a few months ago, a local woman who goes to Haiti to work with the worst of the worst children from the slums of Port Au Prince spoke, at length and in detail, about the child victims of aids and scabies and malnutrution and abuse and neglect. It was stunning, horrible and overwhelming.

Today, it was reported that the Brazilian General in charge of the UN Peacekeeping force committed suicide. Obviously I know nothing of the circumstances, but jeez. General. Peacekeeper. Can go home to Brazil.

As I said: intractable.

Note: Don't quote me on the P.J. O'Rourke piece. I'll look in the library to see - maybe in "All the Trouble in the World", but my memory isn't what it once was.


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