Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Dumb and dumber

Unfortunately, I'm referring to me.  I should know better, but after avoiding right wing blogs since shortly after the election, I just couldn't help myself and wandered over to The Corner tonight after the Obama shindig.  A couple of whiny complaints about stem cells (not too bad) and some KJ silliness (nothing to see here, move along) and then I was smacked upside the head with this dandy from Jonah G:

A Question I Wish Someone Asked Tonight   [Jonah Goldberg]

From a reader:

Jonah; I have never seen this point made:  all of Europe, which has nationalized health care already, is also experiencing the current economic crisis.  Why does Obama believe that bringing national health care here will in any way save us a similar economic crisis in the future?  He keeps repeating that only if we get health care costs under control will we have “real” prosperity, but the countries that have already “tackled” this problem in the past were not spared their own economic meltdowns.

Uh, Jonah and friend, the reason you have never seen this point made (at least in cognitive circles) is because it doesn't even begin to make sense.  I'm reasonably sure that the derivative traders, uber-creative "financiers" and the rest of the criminal Wall Street crowd weren't trading in health care futures...

Shit - that question is so stupid I can't even come up a parody comparison.  I keep going back and re-reading it and...

Like I said - I should know better.


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