Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ok, just a couple more...

The post mortem, so to speak, offers up these gems:

1) Me thinks he speaks the truth (my emphasis):

ISOLATIONISM? [Cliff May]Did anyone else find Bush’s denunciations of “isolationism” a bit puzzling? Was he talking about Buchananism? Or is this term now to be applied to those who favor “exit strategies”?Or has Karl Rove spotted something rising in the polls?Posted at 10:19 PM

2) "I'd really like to work together, as long as you do everything my way" alert:

NICE JOB [Kate O'Beirne]Can't say that it will be memorable, but I thought the speech's optimistic tone was welcome and the President owned it. He was comfortable and confident - and conciliatory. Can't remember any other SOTU that opened with a chiding to the legislative branch about the need to work together, but he made clear that he is looking for allies from across the aisle who are willing to do the right thing.Posted at 10:16 PM


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